Emper Silaban
Friedrich Silaban's Spirit of Architecture
The formation of the Silaban Monument design was strongly influenced by Friedrich Silaban's thoughts and understanding during his move in the world of architecture. This building was designed to represent the architectural beliefs of Friedrich Silaban, not necessarily by imitating Friedrich Silaban's distinctive architectural formations, but through the interpretation of his architectural understanding and ideology in contemporary and tropical contexts.
The building that was formed was in contrast to the characteristics of the Friedrich Silaban building visually, but if examined deeper, using the design rules that were believed correctly by Friedrich Silaban. This was done so as not to create a 'replica' of Silaban's distinctive building, which is a disregard for his works and services, but to produce an evolution of a contemporary design with tropical rules.
Emper SilabanSiborong-Borong, North Sumatra
Emper SilabanSiborong-Borong, North Sumatra
ForIAI (Indonesian Architect Association)
Area13800 sqm
Status1st Place - Monumen of Friedrich Silaban Competition
Project TypePublic
LocationSiborong-Borong, North Sumatra
General understanding of the word monument is a building/structure that is towering, shaped like a monument/inscription and is towering. According to the KBBI, the monument [mo · nu · men] Meaning: buildings or places that have important historical value and are therefore preserved and protected by the government.
This is not exactly right. In essence, the monument is a building that has important historical value and must be maintained. On the other hand, in studying Silaban's work on a self-designed Home, it shows that Silaban appreciates buildings that do not have the impression of "individual and independent as if he does not need more association because he might already be Binnen!" (Supandi, S. 2017, Friedrich Silaban, PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, page 335) On this basis, it is very difficult to imagine to appreciate the life of Friedrich Silaban by establishing a monument that is both upright and vertical.
With an understanding of the meaning of monuments and based on Friedrich Silaban's thought of Indonesian architecture and architecture himself, it can be concluded that the monument that will remind the public of him, we must be able to display not only the work or photographs of Silaban but more than that, this monument must talk about the life of Silaban and reflect his soul as a human being.
We decided to use the Friedrich Silaban type Emper (terrace), which is used as a buffer as well as connecting between spaces, which connects visitors from one point to another. This Emper is in an open design, with Silaban's design rules, but has a quite different shape. It is formed following the contour of the existing land, with an optimal ramp distance to the top of the land. The shape and size of the Emper are determined based on the mapping produced from the Silaban life event.
Exterior Night Scene
This process of mapping events and ideas results in a summary of the life timeline which is ultimately represented by a coordinate point that determines the height, width, and shape of the pathways that visitors can walkthrough. Visitors can feel how life conditions at the beginning of Silaban's life, feel the tightness of the narrow road in Silaban's difficult times of life and feel the relief of Friedrich Silaban's success through the beautiful surroundings when Silaban achieved success in life.
On the inside of the porch, stories about the life of Friedrich Silaban are displayed, providing a personal connection from the initial arrival of visitors to the final destination, a Museum that presents the works of Friedrich Silaban and appreciates his life achievements.
Exterior Night Scene
We want to create a Monument that not only appreciates the success and glory of Friedrich Silaban but a Museum that depicts ALL of His life. All failures, successes, happiness, sadness, and fear that Silaban experienced during his life, must be reflected in the architecture of this monument.
ForIAI (Indonesian Architect Association)
Area13800 sqm
Status1st Place - Monumen of Friedrich Silaban Competition
Project TypePublic
LocationSiborong-Borong, North Sumatra